Empowerment Movie Events

The Empowerment Movie Social Series

Brought to you by THE CEO MIND Foundation, Councilman LaMont Cole & State Rep Denise Marcelle

The Empowerment Movie Social Series is about a coming together of the community for the purpose of fellowshipping, networking bonding and enjoying ‘edutainment’ together.  This social movie series will highlight various movies that deal with social issues of the past that has some bearing on today’s present community.   Often times we need to approach problem solving from a different perspective and see even the problems themselves from a different set of eyes.  The Empower Movie Social Series is about getting our minds to think, creating a group effort for solution in our community. 

WE are in this together.  Come out and be a part of the WE!

Come out enjoy the movie with like minds who are serious about the future of our community. 

Concessions are available at all events. 

For attendance please register using included form for e-tickets or to be notified of where you can pickup tickets for the event.


The Format

2pm – Networking and Mingling

3pm –  Movie Begins

A short discussion will take place after each movie. 

A Listing of the current movie titles & dates are below. 



If you or your organization would like to become more intimately involved with the execution of these events or if you would like to register a large group please use the form on this page or send an email to ddeshields@theceomind.org


If your market or city, wants to have an Empowerment Movie Night, don’t fret we can help bring this program and many of our other great initiatives to your city. Visit this link to begin the process of becoming a partner.  http://theceomind.org/2017/contact/become-a-partner/
